That Girl is a t.v. series from the late 1960s. I was first introduced to That Girl when I was fifteen. My Grandma Bunker gave all my girl cousins the first season for Christmas. From the very first pilot episode my mom and I loved it. We had to limit how much we could watch in one day, so that we would not watch all of season one in one day. Immediately after watching the first couple of episodes in season one we ordered season two. We eventually bought all five seasons. It is absolutely my favorite show. I would definitely recommend it.
So just so you know what this show is all about I will now give you some basic information about the series.......

So there you have it folks. A quick little synopsis of That Girl. It's definitely worth seeing!
Good job Erika, love this show!!!! Remember watching it Christmas night with you and we really had to make us quit watching it, so we could enjoy it a few more nights!!!!! I really like all of Ann Marie's clothes!